Shauna Pilgreen

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overwhelmed by prayer support.

i sit staring at this above statement. 

above date. 

above logo.

how do i tell you that these prayers are being heard?

how do i show my gratitude for your consistency in talking to God on her behalf, our behalf? 

how can you see my heart that stays in a state of being overwhelmed that you care, that you give, that you're awaiting the referral with us?

and then the phone rings. 

just like that. while i'm sitting here thinking what to write.

ben and i "happen" to be together at a conference

where on any other day we might have been in two different places when this phone call came in.

our adoption agency blesses us with good news! 

the orphanage we have been assigned has extended a personal invitation for our agency to come for a visit.

this means that our in-country personnel, a*man, will make a trip from delhi to northwest india and speak with orphanage personnel.

this has never happened before between our agency and any indian orphanage.

did you read that? 

never happened. 

no orphanage has ever extended this personal invitation. 


if you remember, recently, our agency made a phone call on our behalf and we simply heard they have our paperwork. 

our agency discovered  when they got our orphanage on the phone that they respond to phone calls, not emails. from september to january, no response to emails.

now they answered the phone a few weeks ago.

now they called our agency.

the good news? 

our orphanage is open.

movement is happening.

they pursued our agency.

a*man, at the least, gets to make observations.

a*man will gracefully and respectfully ask questions and get to know the orphanage and personnel.

can't you see?

the phone call a few weeks ago wasn't it.

God desires to wow us! 

we're not just in line. 

they simply don't have our paperwork.

they have our daughter. 

and they are wanting to talk with our agency face to face!

the greater news?

it's possible that they could have a referral.

[my heart is pounding. my emotions a glorious mess.]

it's possible that the reason for the invitation 

(that has never happened before with our agency)

is that they want to share the referral in person.

this orphanage that doesn't communicate via email would most likely not email our agency the referral. 

(though emailing referrals is very common.)

it's possible that they would use this invitation to extend to us via a*man our referral.

it's possible.

this trip, this meeting will happen in march.

it has already been in the plans for our agency to attend the adoption summit in delhi february 19-20.

now our agency will also be able to train and equip a*man in person in delhi how to communicate best on our behalf. 

no mistake.

God has been orchestrating this.

only God could allow something that has never happened to invitation to an orphanage.

only God could allow this meeting to take place within weeks of the summit, where our agency was already planning on attending.

only God could allow us to receive this news together.

only God can love her like He loves.

only God can care for us like He cares.

only God can allow this story of faith and trust and perseverance to touch your hearts like it does.

because there is only One God.

and He is at work.

i have never doubted that He's been at work through this adoption process, and we might receive good news. 

we might receive greater news, but this i know...

He keeps me curious every day with what He's up to!

and i'm so thankful that my heart has been pulled and tugged and stirred and overwhelmed.

make sure you're pursuing something that is God-sized that grabs your heart. 

otherwise, you'll miss out on "only God" moments like this one.

and relish in this moment with us. 

would you pray this prayer with us? 

God, You are so loving and so good. i rejoice with the news received today and give you praise for how You are working.

would You continue to do the unimaginable, the miraculous? we ask that You give favor upon a*man as he plans and prepares to visit the orphanage. give him favor with the staff. open up communication and help everyone involved to clearly explain and understand one another. protect this meeting between a*man and the staff. allow nothing to keep it from happening. we boldly ask for a referral for the pilgreens. in Jesus' name we pray, amen.