Merry Christmas from our home to yours

san francisco has had our hearts for 8 Christmases now. 

and with each passing year, all 6 of us are blown away at what we get to do and see.

God has invited us, you included, on an adventure to make Him more known

and it's been the most crazy, risky, and rewarding life ever. 

full of challenges, of course, yet

in 2017, this is what we've seen...

kavita experiences disneyland for the first time

another year of little league for sam and asher while elijah gives usf junior team a go

asher's art featured at the asian art museum

sam gives commencement speech for his graduating 5th grade class

ben spends time with mentors and fellow pastors through leadership network

i finish my historical fiction manuscript and attend my first writer's conference

i set it aside to pick up another project that God seems to have His hands on

ben turns 40

my mom and i fly together for the first time to encourage ministry wives in hawaii

time at jekyll island where we grew up and got our own rent house 

ben and i travel to vienna and romania

elijah flies solo for the first time to see our louisiana family

kavita gives everything to Jesus

more biking

lee, lindsey, and kids move back to the bay

our church staff team grows

we celebrate 27 baptisms at epic

sabbatical to london where God spoke and we listened

book deal with revell publishing

neighborhood pizza night 

discovering a new refuge to enjoy as a family that's 1.5 hours away 

i turn 40

me and ben cherish our 530 time in our chairs with our Bibles and praying together every day

a wedding in aspen

santa rosa/napa fires

enriched reunion in springfield as a family

17 years of marriage

asher hits double digits which means special trip with dad and bro talk

and our eyes are wide open with wonder and expectation for what God will do in 2018.

from our home to yours, merry Christmas and a happy new year,

ben, shauna, elijah, sam, kavita, and asher


what happens in the book process


A promise for the people of your city