deliver a pick-me-up {a summer series}

june has come and gone and it's july! whether you are jumping from one activity and camp to another or if the summer is a continuation of the previous seasons, i hope that the summer series has ushered in some intentional fun. 

this activity is low-maintance, yet has high relational value - 


bouquet of flowers from a friend


put your green thumb to use. let the kids gather "flowers" from the yard. someone in town could use a burst of color in their day. 

our friend faces a hard day in the summer as she misses her dad. a school teacher friend can't return to her classroom this fall due to a sickness. a new friend of mine will remember delivering her second child who didn't get to see her first birthday. someone else didn't get the promotion they were hoping for and another will be sending her child off to college soon. 

while we can’t change the circumstances, we can let them know we care and they are seen. while we can't remove the hurt, anxiety, or illness, we can extend empathy. this gesture lets our friends know they are not alone. 

use a jar from home.

gather wildflowers nearby.

perhaps go extravagant. call your local florist and have them deliver something beautiful. 

also consider delivering a meal or a gift card that will meet a practical need.

don't overthink how you can help.

paralysis is the worst when it comes to taking care of one another. i believe that leaving some flowers on the doorstep does a world of good - at the very least, does a person some good. and that's what we're about, right? to love one another as Jesus Christ has loved us. 

oh, please share a picture of your bouquet or tell the story how you encouraged a friend by delivering a pick-me-up. it was a few years ago when i was battling depression through the adoption process that flowers were intentionally propped up by my front door. i'm better for it, thanks to you. 



learn a bit of history {a summer series}


attend a city-sponsored, community-hosted event {a summer series}