Some things you might not know about me.

I start listening to Christmas music in October. Unashamedly, I go full on October 25, but slowly let the instrumental creep in October 1. Kenny G’s Christmas albums make home even homier for me as the evenings get cooler and darker. Because Ben loves me, he’s okay with this. If you’ve known me for a while, this either drives you crazy or you’ve joined me! (My top favorite Christmas albums in this week’s newsletter)

Candles make home appear clean and relax me. I’m burning my all-time favorite right now - Yankee Candle Autumn Leaves. Balsam and Cedar will be next.

A very new thing for me is plants on our patio. I have a vision for a mature garden in our back patio that will happen over time. I think what’s really going on is my nurturing is not needed as much with the kids and plants let me water and stare at them and wonder what they need!

The book, Love Where You Live, is much more than a story of living sent. We start off on a walk together in my rural childhood town and end up in downtown San Francisco where I live now. Then somewhere along the way, you start seeing where you live with more clarity and compassion and we part ways and I keep cheering you on with tips and principles that I’m also trying to live out where I live.

I had no idea that writing a book would bring us together! You’ve amazed me with your courage, creativity, and curiosity. Because of you, I’m learning that what I see in my city and my neighborhood is true everywhere. Humans want connection. Humans want community. And we’re making this possible as we live sent!

We run an AirBnb. Yes, we do! This wasn’t on my bucket list and came before the book. In fact, shortly after we moved to San Francisco, I heard of this new start-up where strangers host strangers in their home and I thought, “this will never work.” It works and we’re a part of the AirBnB community with super-host status! We get to practice hospitality. It’s a part time job for sure. The kids help with the cleaning where excellence is standard in the cottage, but not necessarily in their rooms! (Sharing our personal link in this week’s newsletter!)

I drink black coffee and prefer it these days. This has been true for 2 years now, but it was the Drowsy Poet in Lynchburg, Virginia that first introduced me to a cup of coffee. Okay. My parents drank Folgers growing up, but college made it cool and necessary.

I don’t love everything about where I live and could make a long list if I allowed myself. But change starts right in front of us. Not way out here somewhere. So I’m learning to speak gratitude rather than complain-atude. I’ll pick up that piece of trash or hold the door open. I’ll cross the street to say hello. Introductions and making connections are my jam to strengthening community in this global city. And I eat jam daily!

What is God teaching me right now? Love and the gift of the Holy Spirit. I’ve made the Christian life so complex and am craving the core. And it’s a relationship where His love is the driving force and His Spirit is who leads me. Last week, I got to tell a stranger that Jesus loves him. It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. (You can subscribe and get this exclusive story in an upcoming weekly newsletter.)

Behind the scenes I give hours to construct blogposts, my weekly newsletter to my tribe, prepare for Alpha on Tuesdays at our church. I’m in the car at least 3 hours a day so I get great conversation with 3 out of the 4 kids. I listen to audio books. Honestly I’m taking a break from podcasts. Why? Podcasts are rapid information where a book is a continual thread I can stick with for a few weeks, but love podcasts and will resume.

I introduced myself to 42 this week! I celebrate the whole month long. I was in labor in the late hours of the last day of September in 2003 and delivered our first born at 11:39 pm. That way he gets his own birthday month and so do I! How did we celebrate? Photos are all over the weekly newsletter! Another reason to subscribe!

I’m working on a life plan. It sounds like a noble thing to do.

Along with Ben and best friends, we stayed in the farmhouse of a 15th century villa that is still a working home. Then we swam in the Mediterranean Sea.

I joined hope*writers recently because writing alone is lovely, yet can stay cooped up inside all of us, but it’s other writers who get this reality and help pull the best out of you.

What’s something I can learn about you?

Any of the above you would say, “me too?”

I respond to all comments and emails you send me through the connect page.


When churches cheer on other churches


Why do we still live in San Francisco?