how do you put together a small team of people?

every single one of us is on this earth with a purpose.

it’s growing in us. it’s intended to be used for others. we can be shy about it. reluctant to use it. nervous about what people will say about it.

this purpose is packed with gifts and skills that need to come out of the box and be sharpened and put to use.

meet my friends - people like you and me who are using their gifts and skills to accomplish something significant!


Who do you identify with?

Candace is an empty nester. Her and Rusty’s kids and grandkids live all over the U.S., so they travels as much as possible to be with family. She works part-time from home and teaches at the local YMCA. She carves out time to mentor ladies of all ages and serves at church as a host and small group leader.

Brittany is a military spouse calling Hawaii home for now. Mother of two precious girls, she has worked very hard to get her Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She and her husband hold hands together with their girls as they serve their church and community…wherever they call home.

Isabel sees life in pictures as she captures our church culture in her role as storyteller and as she and her husband, Anthony, follow people around the world to tell their special moments in photos. She has many hobbies and shines through her smile and gentle voice.

Rachael is an encourager. Encouragement is spoken in her home to her husband and two kids, at mom’s group and events, through texts and social media, and in her new ministry. Rachael comes with pom poms and flowers ready to give away.

Brenda loves to sing and imagine and tell stories through video. Her passion is seen in every encounter, every frame, every scene of every video. Brenda and her husband are actively involved in foster care. In real life, she’s a superhero.

Lindsey P is a homeschooling mom to a smart boy and girl and is very active in women’s ministry. She and her husband are involved in small groups through their church and loving their community. She can make any moment celebratory with crafts, settings, and her presence.

Lindsey L is a working mom, raising two young boys with her husband. Her calling is her vocation is her day job is her passion of helping people connect to God and use their gifts to serve one another locally, nationally, and globally. Helper and traveller are her middle names.

Chase is a college student. He’s pursuing a degree in justice studies, and uses his free time to sharpen his skills with film. Chase can also make a stellar cup of coffee.

Jackie is a ninja in addition to her amazing full-time job. She is invisible, sweeping in to save the day and offer the best when it comes to technology, lights, sound, video, you name it.

This is who they are and what they do. And because I know this about them, I invited them into something I’ve created. You’ve heard of it - the Love Where You Live Course! If you’ve worked on any project bigger than yourself, you know that it takes a team to pull it off or it will be the end of you! I had an amazing team at Revell Publishers when it came to my manuscript, edits, publishing and marketing. This course was all on me. The vision was born after the book was launched. Churches wanted a way to go through this book as a small group, church staff, newcomers, and more. This would be on me to produce. And I couldn’t wait to give it to you! You can find it here.

so how do you put together a small team of people to accomplish something significant?

This is how we did it!

  1. Little budget

    I started with zero dollars. Since I’m giving this course away for FREE, I knew there wouldn’t be money on the back end to pay people on the front end. So I wrote down what was needed to accomplish this course with excellence and called on people. No one’s gifts are free. At the very least they cost time and energy. I never want to take what people offer me for granted and want to make sure everyone is valued who contributes. I got creative. I bought coffee and lunches and chocolate experiences. Some of us see what we give and take from one another as gift exchanges.

  2. Shared vision

    When you go to talk to someone about your dream, your project, your idea and they lean in…you’re on to someone! While you certainly want cheerleaders, prayer warriors, supporters as you venture out and pursue what’s on your heart, those who become a part of the team need a shared vision. Go back to the list of what it will take to accomplish your project and put some names beside it. There’s something dynamite about having people on your team who get it. Keep the team small if it means having like-minded people.

  3. Unique gifts

    God knew what He was doing when He gave us unique gifts. He did this to get us talking to one another and figuring out that we need one another! We’re not meant to be able to do it all - to be a one person show. We are created in His image to do good works that He assigned us. Those works are to be spent on others and when done with the right spirit, He gives you more of what you just used up! Explain that!

This course was made possible because I knew I couldn’t do it on my own, but knew who could make it shine.

  • Who are you bouncing your ideas off of?

  • When you get a dream, who do you call?

  • Who are a few friends you can text and ask they pray for wisdom and direction for you?

Your dream team is right in front of you! Tap into the skills and gifts God has given them and use yours to bless their mission.

What project are you working on? How does having a team of people help make it possible? I bet we can learn something from you…share in the comments below…

I like to share my friends! Click on their names above to see how they are using their gifts to fulfill their purposes!


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