Shauna Pilgreen

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How to plan your next family adventure

Adventure (noun): any trip not dependent upon rest or vacation; a trying time for the family who learns, encourages and is better because of it; anything RV-related.

Our definition

Did you follow us on our RV adventure across the country? Regardless you can find all the stories, packing tips, recipes, pictures and more here:

Are you up for an adventure? Do you want to lead your family on one this year? There are several factors to consider when planning your next family adventure. They will be different for all of us. None of these factors make us weak or strong, but if you’re looking through rose-colored glasses this might be the last adventure you take!

First and foremost you and your spouse must be on the same page for whatever adventure is ahead. This doesn’t mean that you approach it the same way, but it does mean that you’re up for the challenges and are committed to working together.

Secondly, consider your budget, the age of your kids, your life stage, and your schedule. Your adventure will look different from others. The goal is to make it unique to your family and not to compare it to someone else’s. So if taking three littles on an RV trip across the country sounds adventurous to you, then go for it! If sleeping under the stars in hammocks or backpacking for a week are on your bucket list, then let the adventure planning begin!

I offer three steps to planning your next family adventure. These are simply examples, but could also be real life experiences. The goal is to get everyone in the family aligned and ready. As much as possible involve the kids in the planning process. Play into their strengths and they will feel valued on the adventure. Uh, and the same goes for your spouse!

Start here: biking in bed

It’s exactly as it sounds! Make space for everyone on your bed, feet up and begin biking. Pretend you’re getting on bikes at your house and you’re biking to the local ice cream store, or to the park, or to the store to get supplies. Do this just for fun, or make this a part of the planning process. This is a great way to show the kids what you’ll be doing on your adventure. (My dad did this with us girls and he always order tutti-frutti ice cream and got the biggest laughs!)

Try this: backyard or fort tents

Adventure always includes leaving behind comfort and stepping into, well, let’s just call it…the unknown. On a smaller scale let the kids build and sleep in tents made out a bedsheets. Older kids can certainly brave the backyard in a pop-up tent. Again the goal is to have fun and to do without and to see that there is fun in doing without!

Go there: go on a trip where rest and vacation are not the goals!

I think if you can clarify what kind of trip it is, it does everyone a whole lot of good. Going on an adventure means leaving the books, movies, and pleasures behind and embracing all that the trip requires and demands. Honestly, this frees you up to be very present. Nothing kills an adventure like having expectations and not getting them fulfilled. So set out on this adventure expecting challenges and twist and turns and we can guarantee the adventure won’t let you down!

You actually gather more on an adventure then anything you can pack and bring from home. You can make games out of nature and turn anything into a sport. You can go without a shower and laugh at the things they can only be shared among the family who adventures together. For our next adventure all I really need is a journal to write down the stories and for a game of tic-tac-toe.

If nothing else I hope I’ve helped you categorize trip planning into vacation, retreats and adventures. In the opinion of our family, the goal of a vacation is to get away, have fun, and come home refreshed. The goal of a retreat is a break from the noise and to find time to connect with your soul and with God. So call it what it is and expect nothing less!

So what’s on your bucket list? Where do you want to adventure as a family? We’d love to hear about it and perhaps someone has a bit of advice or tips for the adventure that awaits you and your family! Please leave a comment below. Thanks!