And today?


How did you celebrate Easter? I’d love to know. It makes sense for this day to require many volunteers and extra services at church. I spoke with several church leaders who began prayer gatherings and additional services prior to Resurrection Sunday. This day, this historical event, this miracle is the greatest moment of all time. It literally changes everything. Our Creator God loved us so much He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us and bring us back to Him as He conquered death and sin once and for all. He is not dead for He is risen!

Does the celebration of Sunday affect the commonplace of Monday? I sure hope so or we should just go back to bed. Christ beating death and coming back to life affects our Mondays! 100%. How will we live today because He is alive and living in us and walking around us?

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you. And just as God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” (Romas 6:10-11)

If you do nothing else today but relish in His love He displayed for you on the cross and the empty tomb, that would be a day well spent. But how can we relish and not also respond? Resurrection Sunday was incredible! I think perhaps we take pieces of Resurrection Sunday and put them into the other 6 days that we can’t help but respond to Jesus with our obedience and affection. Today, He’s just as alive! He’s living in us!

Choosing to relish and respond,



What is Pentecost?


Easter Sunday