What’s on my prayer list these days


My prayer list has evolved over the years. I wouldn’t say I’m ever proud of my list or taking it public is my mode of operation, but I have wondered what’s on your prayer list these days?

What are you consistently praying about? What have you gotten tired of praying for? What’s new on your list?

I love praying with others because they are praying for different things and that causes me to want to pray for their things and to pray for them.

I love paying attention to what’s in front of me because that causes gratitude, praise or intercession to be my response. Not always. Heavens no. But it’s a growing muscle in me.

It’s not about how many times I’ve prayed for it or if I’ve been good enough for God to hear me. Prayer is not about me. Prayer is about God and Him alone. Prayer is an acknowledgement that I can’t and He can. Prayer is a conversation with the Creator of the Universe who happens to also be my Abba Father.

Here’s my current prayer list:

  • God, speak to me in dreams.

  • Pour Your Spirit out on our kids.

  • Father, I love you, worship you and adore you. I glorify Your name in all the earth. (That’s a line from a song)

  • More of You Jesus. More of you. I choose to decrease so You will be seen in and through me.

  • I surrender the dreams on my heart. If they are of You, will you bless them and give me wisdom and favor? If they are born out of selfishness, will you dissolve them and orient my thoughts around You?

  • God, what is on my schedule today You want me to be about?

  • Jesus, rule and reign in San Francisco. Break into the lives of the people here. Set this city free to love You.

  • I confess the sins of my city. Father, forgive them for they know not what they do. I name our sins, repent of them and intercede for this city.

    As God brings someone to mind, like my friend who’s father is dying of cancer, and a couple who is considering moving to SF, and my children’s hearts and decisions, I pause and recognize God is active. I engage in prayer with Him. My faith is challenged. I want to see His Kingdom come and His will be done. So I contend for healing, for peace, for wisdom, for His love to overwhelm the darkest of night and the brightest of day.

I pray for you, today, my friend.

Father, the one I’m writing to is extremely valuable to You and to me. I pray blessings upon him, upon her. Pour Your Spirit out. Fill him, fill her with Your love. Satisfy their desires and reveal Yourself to them in such an intimate and unique way that they know they’ve seen You today. Thank You, Jesus. I pray this in Your Name, Amen.


A Night of Translating Jesus with Shauna Pilgreen, Seth Condrey & Friends


This blew my mind