


we are waiting.

waiting still.

we got the miraculous news on march first.

typically that news is accompanied with an email of the child’s picture(s), medical history, personal history, any schooling, languages, and personality profile.

our case is different.

the director has never matched a child from his orphanage internationally where he has to upload the information through the internet! {this leads us and our agency to believe it’s been quite a few years since a child has been matched internationally from this orphanage}

we got word last week that a doctor was making a visit to the orphanage to finish up some routine exams. we gathered that K was a part of the visit. director says this is  one of the reasons in delaying us getting her information.

primarily, we long to know her story. to see her face. to fall in love with her more.

secondly, we long to move forward. until this happens, nothing else can happen. we crave to shorten the time she is in the institution and bring her home to a family who loves and cares for her.

we know this week our agency is pursuing the director of the orphanage and CARA to send the documents online and also through regular airmail.

please pray that this will happen very soon.

pray for the director to make uploading K’s information a priority this week.

pray for her paperwork to arrive safely to our agency and then to us.

pray for precious K. that God will ready her heart and mind for what will take place in the coming months.


in between {what takes place between Good Friday and Easter morn}


retreating {spiritual discipline}