33 gifts

God has blessed my life abundantly. As I celebrate these 33 years on earth, I thank Him for these 33 gifts - to name a few. They are in no certain order and I cannot even begin to put every picture of every gift. Know also that God has wired me as a visual learner, all gifts have a recollective picture, a photo memory.

1. The gift of marriage
10 years this December, I married Ben, and I never could have imagined that I could be more in love with him today than the day he set butterflies free in my stomach.

2. The gift of date nights

3. The gift of learning from your child who models flexibility, unlimited trust, and hope.

4. The gift of friendship that holds nothing back and pushes you closer to God

5. The gift of the unknown
Not knowing what is around the bend is a gift. For if I knew, I would not trust.

6. The gift of Elijah's salvation

7. The gift of Sweet Nanny, Mrs. Peggy White
Generosity and prayer abound in her life.

8. The gift of sisters

9. The gift of a team that has your back

10. The gift of a city that allows you to make it home and care for it and perhaps make it better

11. The gift of a family making an investment in us

12. The gift of child-like amusement

13. The gift of remembering

14. The gift of paths crossing again and again

15. The gift of family

16. The gift of a child who can dream and imagine himself into another world

17. The gift of pursuing a dream with a God-sent friend
and not giving up

18. The gift of a vision that became sight right here

19. The gift of dreams becoming reality

20. The gift of creation

21. The gift of a child who is persistent and determined

22. The gift of 10 committed women who are praying for me
23. The gift of sight

24. The gift of adventure

25. The gift of make-believe

26. The gift of Mimi
My mom is as young as the kids and treats each day as a gift.

27. The gift of small, yet significant discoveries

28. The gift of GJ
We treasure any one-on-one time we get with Ben's dad.

29. The gift of being 'wowed'

30. The gift of Pops
You are never too old to live and let go.

31. The gift of letting go
Some think we've given up much to move to SF.
I say we've let go in order to gain.

32. The gift of travel
New York to Birmingham. Baton Rouge to Orlando.

33. The gift of a family hobby
Let's Go Giants!

For these, any many more, I say, "Thanks, God."

Quotes I want to Live By


Epic Stories of Sharing Life