4.23.15 {an adoption update}




our website has been updated as of 30 minutes ago.

we are certain our case was heard.

we are certain we have another court date on may 4, monday.

we are certain this is moving forward.

we are certain God heard our prayers!

what we're waiting on is...

confirmation from our lawyer regarding what happened in the hearing last night

and what is expected at the may 4 court date.

we are very hopeful.

our gut tells us one thing!

but we wait to know more.

it's quite possible we could have more information in the next 24 hours, but we know this to continue by faith in a God that loves k very much.

thank you deeply for praying through the day and night.

thank you for praying specific prayers.

i can't wait to tell how you they were specifically answered!

until then, keep this case covered in prayer.

God is in the active process of rescuing this story for His glory!



remember {our adoption story in a post}


4.22.15 {an adoption update}