what do you do when you have to wait?
when delta airlines tells you that your call will be answered within 17-27 minutes?
when your friend is waiting to hear news from the medical test results?
when the due date is near?
when the orphanage has no new news?
from email and phone correspondence the past few days,
we believe that everyone involved is cheering for K.
that shortens the wait in my heart.
yet, we still wait for the license to be renewed.
the orphanage and CARA
are asking us to continue to wait patiently as they wait.
this lengthens the wait in my heart.
we still have many questions of "why the wait?"
we don't get answers. or at least what we want to hear.
we don't see progress. or at least the kind our hearts long for.
this lengthens the wait in my heart.
they share that they are happy that we want to adopt an older child in need of a home.
they are not the enemies. they want K with a family.
that shortens the wait in my heart.
waiting happens to all of us.
sometimes it's longer than expected.
sometimes it's shorter than expected.
the wait makes our hearts grow weary.
the wait supernaturally builds character and steadfastness.
i'm not waiting alone.
i know you are waiting for news right alongside us.
shortens the wait in my heart.
as we wait. let's pray.
for 7 days the orphanage director was prayed over.
now let's pray over paperwork - the license.
that it will arrive quickly.
and then we can see her face.
that thought shortens the wait in my heart {big time}.