Big Week for the family

The week has come and gone and we now have a Kindergartner. We have often told ourselves that once this journey of school begins, our routine changes, our thinking of the calendar changes, our days change. But more than that, we become more protective of the time we have as a family, knowing that a large amount of time is spent at school with peers and teachers. We guard our mornings, being sure we begin with refreshed minds, rested souls, and hearts that long to adore Jesus and give Him praise and thanks. We pray that our boys will make the load of their teachers lighter, that they will choose to do what is good, that they will be teachable and that they will laugh and have fun. Ben and I strongly desire to be a help to the teachers and the school. We see ourselves as a team. We want our boys to share the details about their day, to know that home is a haven, and to know that God is with us in the everyday.

We have made Deuteronomy 6:5 our family verse this year:
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

Ben and I, as parents, are taking to heart and action, verses 6-9:
These commandments I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them upon your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

We celebrated at Chuck E Cheese on Wednesday before school started and then joined our church family at the Springfield Cardinals game on Friday night with a win and fireworks afterwards. It's been a great start and with His help, we desire to finish well, too!


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Our Warrior Asher