chapter 2 {getting ready}
our bags are packed, we're ready to go...
and yes, mine are ziplock bagged.
for starters, i'm this way already.
but secondly, i'm not counting on my brain to be fully functioning at all times, so all the help i can give myself the better.
my clothes are bagged by day and what we're expecting to take place that day.
ben and i managed to get all of our clothes in one suitcase plus extra stuff like laundry detergent and medicines.
kavita's bag has been packed for 2 months. seriously.
with adoptive families who have gone before, i had a good idea of what to bring.
plus, i've had plenty of time to dream about what we can do for play in the hotel rooms and while we wait at appointments.
i've got her some books in english and gujarati
shoes in several sizes
backpack for the flight home
elephant and blanket for comfort
sweaters because she's not going to be used to the air conditioner
a yellow dress
an indian doll to call her own
hair accessories galore.
this room has been covered in suitcases for days and as i turn out the lights i can't wait to turn them back on!
ben gets to preach both services tomorrow and then we're outta here.
we will fly through frankfurt, germany and enjoy a 24 hour layover where we will play and sleep horizontally
and get a little more adjusted to the drastic time difference of 12.5 hours.
then on to india on tuesday.
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