i know we usually meet here two days a week, but today feels different.

like i'm about to bare my soul with you.

not that i ever try to hold anything back.

i've written it elsewhere and hope it's clear that i'm writing in the thick of it.

it's just that today, with permission from my sweet man, i want to let you inside the threads of our family.

inside how we do life together.


 it's called our family playbook.

now before we could even arrive at words put down on paper,

we had to first start living family intentionally and the way God intends.

to the best of our ability.


ben and i have put in place over the course of a few parenting seasons our family purpose statement.

i used tsh oxenreider's book, organized simplicity, as a guide.

we spent days mulling over the language we use collectively as a family to describe the values we have together.


we have rhythms in the fall that are quite different from our spring rhythms.

we revamp the playbook every semester to reflect the season we are in.

the playbook is an ongoing work in progress. we know come december/august that we can change things.

yet it hangs on the refrigerator with the kid's artwork and weekly menu and pictures of our sponsored kids.

it's a reminder that what matters most after God is our family.

it puts our intentions before us.


the playbook is written accountability.

ben states how he will maintain his values.

i declare, as well, how i will maintain mine.

together, we boldly write what our family will be known for.

what we will seek after.

how we will live together daily.


i've held tightly and dearly to this playbook for a year now.

it's 'that thing' you have and i have that tends to be tucked away inside.

but if seeing the guts of our family...

...causes communication about seeing your family succeed

...encourages you and your spouse to more time together

...brings you both to the calendar to schedule a vacation

...centers or re-centers your family around Christ

then i'm glad it's not tucked away anymore.

here it is  Pilgreen playbook .

know that it will be tucked away in the printables just at the top of your screen.

not too far away.

i'd love to hear how the family playbook sparks conversation and thoughts
 for you and your spouse. or how you are going to write one up for your family.
leave me and ben a comment or a question. we'll be around. but not on mondays!

sweet spot {a sweet repost}

