family verse

choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
joshua 24.15
it's a choice.
ben and i made a commitment on our wedding day
that we would be a family that would serve God.
in our home, particularly this year, we want to live this out radically.
as our boys are getting older, the choice becomes theirs.
it's a daily choice.
we either serve God or we serve ourselves.
by serving God we serve others.
we serve selflessly when we serve Him.
if it's ourselves that we serve,
it's a cycle of discontentment and chasing after the wind.
we grow weary when we serve ourselves and lack purpose.
it's a choice that leaves impact.
our choices affect those near us.
either for the good or bad.
to sharpen and strengthen
or to tear down and destroy.
our choice at home.
if we can't serve inside our home, how will we serve outside?
it's the hardest place to serve sometimes. truthfully, we can vent or recluse at home. but just as david was given incredible opportunities in the world, he first served at home. we want to be a family found faithful to serving each other.

their choice at school.
for the boys, their choices affect their teachers, their classmates.
we want and challenge them to lead well at school.
leading happens when we serve.
we want them to make their teacher's day better

by serving them.

our choice at Epic.
as a family, we want to serve our faith community.
this happens when we are open to the needs of others. when we serve alongside our small groups. when we intercede. when we uphold those who are weary. when we encourage. when we give back.

our choice in our city.
we want to be citizens that don't just take from our city, but give back.
we are proud to live surrounded by parks, waters, sounds, nature, museums, public transit and so much more. we refuse just to take.
we live here to give back. to take care of our city. to serve alongside a people that are already serving. but to do so because God first loved us.
[photos are the t-shirts that the boys designed of places where they serve]



Hero Boot Camp 2.0