family {when friends become}
when friends become family,
the biscuits make their way into the largest bowl in the kitchen.
when friends become family, warm-in-the-kitchen-hands mesh well with
when friends become family, it matters not who is your child. they all are.
when friends become family, sometimes the only place to be is on the outside of the 14 conversations and children screaming and babies napping.
when friends become family, you gain cousins, aunts and uncles.
you share life as it is and pray together for what God has in store for life ahead.
when friends become family, you swap the football for the toddler.
you think about who you want your kids to become and who you want pouring into them.
you sing 'winnie the pooh' because you love her and believe God has a purpose for her life.
you teach the next generation with hope that they will do the same.
when friends become family, you share everything.
paint. laughter. a wet paper towel. tears. frustrations and sheer joy.
when friends become family, you create memories and those memories become links.
links to where you live and the people that live there.
memories to links to roots.
settling in with family who began as friends.
for it's the friends who become family that get you the most.
they are doing life with you in the same culture, the same town or city.
who is becoming family to you and yours the longer you live where you live?