gifts {winners on mother's day}

karen from arizona wins 2 copies of the same page book.

greta from missouri wins the stationery set. {photos on stationery taken by me and ben}

emily from alabama wins the pearl house necklace. {i wear mine wrapped as a bracelet}

and i won a most beautiful day with my three sons and ben.

all three meals provided for me.

lovely flowers from down the street.

a wonderful time with our community of faith.

biking near the golden gate bridge.

and sam learned to ride for the first time!

a green and blue dress picked out by asher. {his wife will be blessed and well dressed}

a piece of jewelry given me by the boys to represent my daughter with these words,

"mommy, we hope next mother's day that she's here to celebrate with us."

and all of the above is why i love being a mom.



