Happy Big 5, Sam!

Our Sam is 5! He shared his day with Thanksgiving this year and it wasn't too bad!
We began his celebration the Saturday before with friends at Ghirardelli Chocolate Fountain Shop. Our neighbor Max and his family, soccer friend Henry and his family, and the Keel family were a part of the birthday party.
Just the 5 of us treated him to any restaurant on Wednesday night. What was his choice? Wendy's. Yep, the fast food restaurant. There's not one in the city, so we boarded the train to avoid rush hour traffic and went to San Bruno. That night he opened presents from us, brothers, and family afar and got a Pillow Pet, Giants jersey, Legos and Lego book, itunes gift card, clothes, and a Toy Story Leapster and Tag game.

I never imagined I would use the phrase, "It seemed like yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital..."
But here I go. It seemed like yesterday we were bringing Sam
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home from the hospital. We couldn't go straight home for he had to have the front part of his tongue clipped by the ENT doctor. And his hospital stay wasn't even in the room with mommy. Sam had respiratory troubles and spent his hospital nights in NICU. And Sam came on Black Friday after mommy had eaten her share and more on Thanksgiving Day. Mommy also had big shopping plans that Friday as Sam wasn't due until the second week of December! But I awoke early that Friday morning to nausea and vomiting and by 4 pm we were at the hospital. Dr. Edwards said Sam would be here by 10 pm and at 9:56 pm Sam entered our world!

Life hasn't been the same since! Sam brings laughter, joy, sensitivity, care, and companionship to our world and family.

Happy Birthday, Sam or Sammy as Asher calls you!


Give Thanks.


pilGREEN thanksgiving