
what is the {me} in the place you call ho{me}?

it's you! you are in the places you call home for a reason.

God gives us visions, purposes, gifts to use in joining Him in working together for His good, His global purposes.

"Your story should be alive and ever evolving...Living a great story is about learning what it means to be human and fully alive. Great stories often start with people who have found their hearts." (miller)

for me...

i want to open up my world as a wife, mom, church leader, daughter of the King and display how i intentionally walk with God and lead you to live our your God-given purposes in the places you call home and in the places you have influence.

this can be done any place, but for my specific story, my designed purpose, for this season, it's in san francisco.

i've recently completed donald miller's storyline 2.0 workbook. {if he were to ever read my blog, here's my thanks! his coaching, his writings, his way of pointing hearts and minds to that of God's bigger story, is the reason for the revamped website, the more focused vision and platform} simultaneously, ben has been teaching on the subject of rejecting status quo at epic sf. you can hear the series here. both are a challenge to push forward in believing God and doing our part in pursuing what He has for us.

what do you want to achieve in the place you call home?

is your ambition about you or helping others?

what am you pursuing that demands God's favor, His hand?

"Living a good story isn't safe, but it's meaningful. Face your fear. Conquer it. And if it conquers you, show it how it didn't end you. Get up and live another great story....Let's participate in what God is doing in the world." (miller)

if you and i are living out the Gospel in the places we call home, we will be content, others will be affected, and He will be honored.

"God loves participation, and the desires He puts in you He puts in you for a reason."

our san francisco story looks exciting and there are days when it certainly is! but each day it's up to me to push forward, to obtain the prize. "I do it for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings. do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? so run that you may obtain it." 1 Corinthians 9.23-24 (ESV)

reject status quo.

play your part in the greater story.

here's a quick, thought-provoking assignment:

draw a circle around those that live under your roof. 

draw a bigger circle around those that live on your street.

draw an even bigger circle around your neighborhood, town, city.

now look at the biggest circle of all...the globe. 

you have a part to play in each circle.

let's go back over the questions from above in how they relate to the circles drawn.

i want to know & share your stories of how you are living out the Gospel in the place you call ho{me}.

you can submit them in the connect menu tab or leave a comment.

i believe we get involved in God's great story when we hear how others are doing so with their gifting in their ho{me}s.

you're hearing mine. what's yours?



