on the steps of Day Street

On the steps of Day Street to the bottom bunk down below,

we would read him stories of the awesomeness of God.

On the steps of Day Street,

in his pajamas,

he remembers pausing and believing in his heart that Jesus is God's Son and that He died for his sins.

Down at Epic Kids,

every single Sunday,

a faithful teacher shows up to tell him and his friends that God is good and is love and sent His Son, Jesus to take on death and give them life.

Through the prayers of many and

past conversations with people who love him,

he absorbed the Gospel that was for him personally.

Over to Cayuga Avenue,

we would continue reading the stories in the Bible, for you never grow out of them and they only grow all the more real and life-changing.

Beyond what we could imagine

and could dream up on our own,

he would tell his siblings and us that he was a Christian.

There, out of the blue, he prayed with his whole heart,

thanking Jesus for saving him from his sins and letting him get to follow Him.

Asher with every bit of confidence that comes from a sure faith in Jesus,

stepped into the waters on Sunday

to tell his church family and blood family,

I follow Jesus!

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We're never too far gone or too bad or done too many awful things that Jesus' blood doesn't cover our sins and make us whole and new because of the death and resurrection of Christ. It took an Eternal Being {Jesus Christ} to do away with all humanity's sins for all of eternity. For each of us, we must see our sin. Our sin deserves death. We must see Jesus - that He is the One True God and the only One who could conquer death {our sin}.

As my pastor-husband shared on Sunday, we turn away from sin, from those things that are taking the place of God. Then we get baptized. Jesus gives us the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, and directs our lives.

It's a defining moment!

It was for Asher.

It was for the other 11 who were also baptized!

On the steps of Day Street or in the park or in your bedroom or on a plane or walking along the road, anyone can call out to Jesus!



{photos courtesy of Jojo Cayetano; @mypixeledlife on instagram}

{to learn more about Jesus, click on the Epic Church tab on the right}



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