only God stories

"let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck,

write them on the tablet of your heart.

then you will win favor and a good name

in the sight of God and man."

Proverbs 3:3-4

"I have loved you with an everlasting love;

therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."

Jeremiah 31.3

i'm convinced that when we encounter Jesus and are awakened to the reality of His supernatural love for us, we choose to live in such a way that makes much of Him.

meshed with our God-given gifts and personalities, we express Him to the world.

i see life as a story. i see moments as pieces of the bigger story. the story that God set in motion when He created us in His image. the story that isn't over yet and doesn't end on earth and can't always be understood by human minds. moments that He unleashes on earth that have been stirring the heavenlies.

moments where our intercessory prayers can alter stories and where our intersections with others can alter eternity. 

i've been telling only God stories for some time now and have kept many close to my heart and in back and forth dialogue with my Father. but i'm also convinced more than ever that telling only God stories can awaken in each of us the unique purpose God has bestowed upon us to do our part in loving one another and being faithful to follow Jesus.

only God stories are collision stories. when we literally encounter God's stirring on earth with what He's been purposing in heaven for a while now.

only God stories are shake-your-head stories. encounters where you couldn't have dreamed it up yourself.

only God stories have only one main character. only one hero. and He takes center stage and gets the standing ovation.

only God stories are about to be unleashed here! i've heard them from you. you've texted me about these moments. i've gotten comfortable with approaching my neighbors and initiating conversations at the little league fields and in the doctor's office and on the street. far from perfect and often with sweaty palms and choppy words. but if my introverted self can do it, so can you. for i can't deny that these moments only God can orchestrate. and when He's at work it's not just in that one little conversation. oh no! we're just seeing a glimpse of what He's capable of and how He's working.

so here's one. an only God story.

kellie looks for these moments. she's been doing so for years and it's become a lifestyle. a part of who she is. as she walked down her "main street" in her neighborhood, her life intersected with a postal worker coming out on break. kellie and this lady already have a friendship because a while back kellie initiated a conversation while at the post office. the postal worker knows that kellie is a christian and has asked kellie to pray for someone in her life. so when their lives intersected on the sidewalk, the postal worker was quick to explain why she was crying to kellie. she just got word that a family member only had mere hours to live due to cancer. right there, kellie got to speak words of love and comfort over her and embrace her.

only God can orchestrate such moments when someone needs a touch and hope to keep living. this wasn't coincidental. kellie was where God needed her to be at the time of the postal worker's break who needed arms of love around her. {shared with permission}

i'd love for you to share your #onlyGod stories here on the blog. to inspire others in our everyday faithfulness to follow Jesus. your voice is heard here and we do quite a bit of rejoicing around this blog over God moments! {read our adoption story and church planting journey} readers here have this in common! to make much of Jesus and be inspired by how you are making Him known. so even if you don't believe in God, hang around. my hope and prayer is that you can't deny His love and faithfulness that's for you! and you will reach out for Him because He's reaching out for you. your story is just waiting to become an only God story!


sweaty palms {an only God story}


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