
outwardly i picture white space. that white space that is maximized on an apple ad. that white space that replaces the cluttered stores of holiday merchandise from after-Christmas sales. oh, to display white space in my life! to really be clean, clutter-free, open, and sparkling pure. externally portraying peace while inwardly being renewed by the Prince Himself.
i’m certain that the container store doesn’t have a storage box to hold all my clutter! macy’s white sale couldn’t promise to keep clean my mess. white house black market might come close to adorning me pure on the outside, but would fail miserably on the interior.
how is peace obtainable?
is it really within reach?
can it withstand weekly mundane routine and triumph through the devastation of the worst news or circumstances?
peace that is visible in my life to the world, to my family, to my community is a reflection of the peace that takes up space in my heart. no store sells it. no new year’s resolution guarantees it. only the Prince Himself can give true peace.
just days ago, we celebrated Jesus’ birth that ushered in PEACE. Peace on earth to all men. His gift to you and me.
what did i do with it?
smile and nod as a kind gesture?
reach out for it and tuck it away and
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forget where i put it?

did it get lost among the boxes and bows?
or maybe it’s on the 2013 list - to find peace, to live a peaceful life?
peace. the Prince of Peace offers abundantly to you and me. peace is found in Him not apart from Him. take a deep breath and exhale and wrap your finite mind around the truth that each moment is a gift from above. before you and i took that breath, the Prince of Peace knew you would take it because He gave it.
peace. it is a direct result of rest. rest the mind from worry. rest the eyes from that which frightens. rest the heart from that which stresses. rest the soul at least one day a week from the mundane routine.
peace. when the soul has battled apathy, jealousy, lies, anger, frustrations, greed, and pride and surrenders to the Prince. emptying the broken mess of my frail and human heart into powerful and loving arms of Him who forgives and restores.
then peace reigns. white space dominates the heart that is made pure and clean by the Prince who ultimately took the nails and punishment for me so i could live and walk in peace. not a peace that is only heavenly, but presently. a peace that beckons me to visibly display love, joy, gentleness, and kindness to my world, my family, my community.
if i’m displaying white space, it’s a byproduct of the Prince at work in my heart. if i’m cluttered and out of sorts, it’s me in control.
may 2013 be a year where you rediscover Jesus as the Prince or discover Him for the first time. i am praying for you. many by name as i am grateful you are on this journey of peace with me. thanks for subscribing and reading. i absolutely love putting onto “paper” that which Creator God puts on my heart and sharing it with you.


