Discover why you’re exactly where you need to be.
what people are saying about love where you live
LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE featured on…
how to talk about your faith.
a ‘by faith’ podcast interview
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to live sent is to live like we’re supposed to be here and live like God has us here.
what might God do in the places we call home? it’s now in your hands!
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Discover exactly why you are where you need to be in my friend @shaunapilgreen's new book. Pick it up today on @amazon:
No matter where you live or how long you have been there, we can all join God in His work right where we are. Learn practical and adaptable ways to reach your community in @shaunapilgreen's new book, Love Where You Live, available on @amazon:
God has a specific use for each part of your story. Get specific about who you are and what brought you here. This is the starting point. Learn more in @shaunapilgreen’s new book, Love Where You Live, on @amazon: