your stories
Sackcloth & Ashes
He sees them every day as he walks to and from school in the city. They have names, stories, and needs. Elijah chooses to engage, rather than ignore. Sackcloth & Ashes partnered with Elijah to give away a blanket and basic needs to his friend who is often outside the coffee shop 2 blocks from school.
Why not turn shopping into more?
A local boutique said yes to opening their doors after hours for 3 birthday girls to invite their friends to shop, connect, and tell their stories of how they find true community in a local church and in Jesus Christ.
Meeting a stranger on an airplane
Ben and I were on our second flight towards home and settled into our seats. Within seconds we knew we had cute little people behind us! Peeking between seats, I gathered there were three siblings close in age, traveling with their brave mom. Like any long international flight, I found myself in and out of sleep when I wondered if the tug on my arm was in the conscious or subconscious. The tug continued. I peered between the seat and discovered an airplane napkin being handed to me. What in the world? Maybe I was dreaming. I became the receiver and brought the napkin in front of me.
May the story of our lives be worship in His eyes.