look who's moved into the neighborhood?
i can’t believe it! meet my new neighbors who will help launch Love Where You Live into the world on january 22, 2019:
patti, washington
rachel, california
jessica, georgia
natalie, michigan
cole, louisiana
brittany, hawaii
caryn, virginia
katy, california
mary, california
kathy, alabama
lindsey, california
laura lyn, tennessee
candace, california
rachel, illinois
praise, california
debbie, georgia
denysha, florida
elizabeth, california
stephanie, georgia
brittany, arizona
lauren, virginia
michelle, california
brenda, georgia
jenn, hawaii
lisa, california
rebekah, montana
abi, quebec
jenny, missouri
rhonda, california
mary, california
harris, georgia
layne, hawaii
ken and kellie, california
rachael, california
kayla, virginia
marissa, california
katie, georgia
hannah, california
ben, california
christina, quebec
frances, california
alison, georgia
lauren, district of columbia
didn’t see your state represented? there’s much ground to cover in the coming months as we get ready to launch this book into the world. let me know if you’ll represent your state well in the comment section below!
If time and commitments didn’t allow you to join the launch team, know that I still hear you cheering and that means so much to me. You can still show the world that you see & love them because you’re committed to the people and place you call home. and in your own way, own style, and own network, you can help get as many people informed about the book and get a head start with intentional living for 2019!
today, especially, i’m grateful. grateful for you. you’ve made this writing journey worth it and have fueled my faith on days i felt so alone and wanted to give up. and you must know, God sees every effort you are making to give love and show kindness and make a difference and He’s well pleased.
happy thanksgiving from my family to yours. from our table to yours and from our neighborhood to yours. it’s profoundly us!