what I'm learning about you, the readers
Love Where You Live in a small local bookshop in the middle of san francisco. Event on May 31.
What I’m learning about you, the readers
Love Where You Live is 3 months old TODAY. How can it be?
My dreams had her on the NYT Best Seller list and supported with an orange flag on Amazon by now. But God! But you! And with a pure, yet surrendered heart, I can honestly tell you, I want God to do His thing with LWYL and He is!
From my vantage point, my launch team, friends and family pre-ordered the book and were cheering loudly on social media all around release day (1.22.19). About 50 pastors and spouses gathered to pray over the reach of this book the Sunday before release day. I’ve started to see the reach go beyond people I know and into the hands of friends of friends! LWYL is going places!
I had a conversation with God on Palm Sunday during communion and He revealed something significant and clear, yet vague! I love it when God speaks directly to us! I want to share this with you. In fact, I will - in a note that I send out via email. It’s a more intimate conversation with my neighbors, those who subscribe to the newsletter. Click here and scroll down and subscribe. Newsletter out later this week.
But let me tell you what you’ve done! Let me tell where you, the readers, are taking this book and who you’re handing it to. You’re about to be amazed…
You are teaching me the power of story. Illuminating the solidarity of kindness. Showing me what encouragement looks like on a deeper level. I’m learning how deep and wide is the love of Christ among His followers. I’m seeing Him at work in and through you. You’re teaching me so many things. You’re telling me that you’re getting to know your neighbors and fear is taking a backseat. Let me tell you the stories…
Here are the stories:
It’s making waves around the Hawaiian Islands as Brittany gives books away and tells her military friends, families, and newcomers.
It’s changing Jessica’s world in north Georgia.
It has made it to Ann Voskamp and Christian audio and podcasters.
Betsy and Jen are doing the YouVersion app together in two different cities in California.
Carolyn, who’s in the book and in one of my quadrants, told a local bookshop needs to carry Love Where You Live. I honestly thought they would say no because it’s a faith based book. Her words to me, “Shauna, if we’re going to pride ourselves on being diverse, this most definitely includes your book.” We now have an event at this bookshop on May 31! Thanks, Carolyn.
K. came to visit her kids in San Francisco and had assumptions about the city and the lack of spiritual awareness. She was happy to be wrong! She’s reading the book and praying differently for this place.
A military base in the States is doing a book club. Imagine where they will serve next with this lifestyle!
Audrey is a young professional and is mailing this book to her friends as they set down roots in various parts around the country.
Pastor Chris in Texas and Pastor Brian in Missouri are taking their staff through the book.
Melissa, who is in the top left picture, works at our school. She was looking over the book that I donated to the school auction. She wanted one herself. Now she’s got one and seeing her quadrants, circles, and hub differently!
I recently got to speak to a group of Christian business women in the city. They are making such a difference and I believe even more now that they see that this lifestyle fits into their schedule and gives them margin as they do more in less space.
Read this from my friend Meagan, mom of three littles, and a gal I mentored when she was in high school:
So, thank you! Thank you, the readers of Love Where You Live! You are taking this book places in 3 short months and I couldn’t be more excited about who will read it next!
Click on these links to see more places where the book is going!
Want to do more?
Have you read Love Where You Live? Did you like it? It makes the book more visible and gives her a boost when you leave a great review. You can write one review and leave it at several places: Amazon, Target, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads. And because your name is attached to it, I’m ready to personally tell you thanks! (Because it’s new at Target, you can be the first to leave a review! What if they got 200 reviews and decided to carry it in the stores? #onlyGod)
Pray. Will you pray right now? Yes, wherever you are. “You are God and You can do anything. Meet readers as they open it up. Speak. Encourage. Change. We ask that You, God, take this book places. Multiply its influence. Send it across waters and into communities. Use it to strengthen Your church. All of this so You get every bit of the praise and the glory. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
Gift the book. This is perfect for graduates headed to college or their first place away from home or grad school. And don’t forget your mom! I’m happy to send signed copies with a bookmark. Click HERE to contact me.
Do a book club over the summer. Easy at 1. 2. 3. 1. You text your friends the link to order the book and set the first date to meet up, having read the introduction, making introductions. 2. You read a chunk of the book and live summer well, putting into practice what you’ve learned. 3. You reconvene the week before school starts back and discuss how you’re going to be a dweller of purpose!
And subscribe to my free newsletter! I tell you stories as they unfold and send you not-to-be-missed podcasts, conversations, and practical ways to LWYL! Remember that Palm Sunday conversation? It will come to you this week!