what i learned at leadership conference
we’ve been to london. but more than that, we’ve been changed.
Ben and I had the incredible, most humbling and exhilarating opportunity to see the Church alive. Believe me. I saw it with my own eyes. The Church is alive all across this planet!
God is using Debbie and her brother to invest in the lives of thousands of youth in India. Pekka from Finland is stepping into schools and seeing life change. A lawyer from Germany has started a church in a pub. Danny and Jackie remain faithful leaders at a church in Indiana. Issac and Valerie are forming a community of creatives in south Florida. Al reached out to a Michelin star restaurant in East London about partnering with his church to provide meals for the single mothers in their community and the chefs said yes! Claude was a drug dealer at a young age and found Jesus and is now studying to be a pastor. Jessica and David Oyelowo talk marriage and acting and Jesus being central to all they do.
And while conferences can be quite overwhelming with information, God did something so sweet and intimate with me and Ben. He repeated Himself to us. He used new friends and main stage speakers and His Spirit to repeat what He’s been speaking to us for the past few months. How kind is that? I didn’t fill my journal with a wealth of new information. Rather, I wrote phrases that I’ve written down recently and I let Him wow me with confirmation of what He wants to do in me, in His Church in San Francisco and in this season of life.
Here are a few takeaways. My London leadership learnings:
Look up.
Nicky Gumbel referenced Ken Costa that we are a look down society with our mobile devices. How radical it is to look up! I heard someone say, people who let God adjust them, walk differently. Jacob wrestled with God and it changed him. I was reminded, “Shauna, remember, I’ve got something different for you. Look up, child. Look up. Not down.” Later that afternoon, while we prayed in a small group of about 150, I looked up and saw this in the top of the church.
Come Holy Spirit.
For 2 days since being home, I was recalling songs from my childhood and teenage years about the Holy Spirit. Where did that come from? So strange, yet so on point. Holy Spirit, reign down. There’s a sweet Spirit in this place. Stay right here with us, filling us with Your love. I’m still learning so much about the beauty of the Trinity, but am delighted to be inviting His Spirit into every space that I am in.
Trust and obey...
…for there’s no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey. I’ve journaled these words a few times in 2019. A friend in SF has sent them to me. And it was Jessica Oyelowo who closed her talk with the words, yet again. I get it, God. Loud and clear. I could do this on my own, but it won’t be as sweet or as wonderful. What I try and make happen in 5 years, God can do in 5 minutes! This is the story of the book I’ve written and I believe it is the story for what is about to be unleashed in the next 12 months. I will obey what You say, God. This is my daily prayer.
Those are my three big takeaways, but here are a few more:
Pray three times a day. My morning prayer time is personal (515-615am) Afternoon is prayer for my city as I’m out and about. Evening is all about intercession, uttered prayers for others and prayer together as a family. - adapted from Jon Tyson
With this comes ramping up prayer walking. It’s already a high value for me, but I want more. I’m committed to prayer walking on Wednesdays. I hope to share more about this as it unfolds. Let me know if you’re interested in walking with me locally or want to do this where you live.
Make big asks in my city. I am full of hope for what God is doing that I can’t see yet and for what He wants to unleash! I see visions of what can be as He unites our diverse community. And I will not be afraid to ask. So Mayor London Breed and city supervisors, you’re high on my prayer list! And that’s a very good thing!
Keep learning the culture. In actuality, I haven’t stopped! May marks 9 years in the city and we’re just getting started. I’ve got so much to learn and want to keep eyes wide open. What are we doing and a part of in San Francisco that God wants to take places?
Read the Scriptures as a gift from the Father. Receive them and let it make me more loving, more wise, more fruitful in my relationships and purpose. Give God’s very Word back to Him in trust and obedience and worship.
It’s quite vulnerable to put out here what God has shown us with a desire for obedience and for you to see change in us and our leadership. But it’s worth it. If I can’t be completely accountable and open here, then I need to close up shop. You matter to me. God’s heart and vision for our city matters greatly to me. The presence of God and the work of His Holy Spirit matters to me. Now more than ever before.
over the next few weeks, i’m going to share quotes and thoughts with you on instagram. this means they’ll also show up on my home page at shaunapilgreen.com. these will be continued thoughts from the conference and from people we are learning from right now.
what was so inspiring is the humility and level ground that everyone shared from. no one was building their platform. no one was showing off their products and progress. united and unified and under the Name of Jesus is where we gathered. be encouraged, Church. we’re in good hands as men and women of God serve this world with the authority of Scripture, of sound mind, and with a heart of compassion, integrity, and radical generosity.
a few people we’re learning from: (my global influencer’s list!)