Easter Sunday
I must tell you that I have HOPE because of Jesus. I’ve looked inside myself and outside myself to find something that can satisfy or save me and I’ve found nothing elsewhere, but everything I need in Jesus. His peace surpasses any other peace. His forgiveness spans any other forgiveness. His joy trumps any worldly happiness. His comfort sustains every season. His love is steadfast and unconditional. I invite you to turn to Jesus. Turn back to Jesus. See Him as who He is - the Risen Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the Lover of your soul.
Today, we celebrate the greatest day of the year! Jesus is alive. He is. I believe it. So do millions of others around the world. People have been persecuted and martyred because they believe in Jesus and it only spreads the Good News. Governments and leaders have tried to shut the Church down and shut the mouths of His followers, but in 2,000 years and for all eternity, Jesus’ fame and truth prevail. Christians are a part of a Kingdom that will not end. Let us celebrate the risen Jesus today.
If you don’t know Jesus or haven’t started a personal relationship with Him, you can put your faith in Him right here and right now. Pray this prayer: Jesus, rescue me from a life without You and bring me into a life with You. I am sorry. Please forgive me and come into my heart and be Lord. Thank you for dying on the cross and coming back to life to give me a hope and a future. Amen.
Because He lives we can face tomorrow,