Shauna Pilgreen

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Revival is coming


I stood in a room with 20 men a few days ago and heard them pray. With hands extended towards the city, they stood as a remnant. A remnant representing their congregations. A remnant representing their wives and kids. A remnant who are contending for the lost, the broken, the poor, the captives and prisoners. These men are starting churches. Some have moved to San Francisco from other countries to be missionaries here. Some have been here for over 30 years.

They prayed with faith. They prayed for one another. They prayed for revival. They stood in unison. They agreed in the Name of our Lord Jesus. He is here. He is moving. He is drawing people to Himself. He has His believers scattered across the city in a variety of positions. He is giving favor to His children. He is pouring out His Spirit.

There is no other place I want to be than in San Francisco. It’s not lost on me the unity of the Church here. And people are talking about. Believers in this city are meeting up to pray. Churches are hosting prayer meetings. There is shift happening during Sunday gatherings. We’re more bold in our daily conversations. Needs are being met. Resources are being shared. And this isn’t a last year thing, but a right now thing.

We asked God to move mountains to keep people here and rooted here. We asked God to send more Christ followers to San Francisco. We prayed for our city leaders and those who have the authority to make decisions for the welfare of our city.

I saw heaven come to earth during this prayer meeting. Revival is coming to San Francisco. We want it. We want more of Jesus and are getting out of the way for His Holy Spirit to stir up a bonfire here. So much more can be said. So much more can be prayed. Repentance. Confession. Healing. These are happening at altars and in homes and in person.

Will you pray for us? And if God is stirring your heart and San Francisco is on your mind, listen. You might be the answer to our prayers,
