Shauna Pilgreen

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Are you willing to start small?


Maybe all these letters have you wondering if God can move among you and your church. There’s only a few interested in really wanting the Spirit of God to move. You’ve tried praying and fasting and rallying the troops, but nothing seems to be working. You’re wondering if God has time for you or the few.

He does! My friend, God does have time for you and He actually delights and works well when the numbers are few and the hearts are hard and the ground is dry.

When Jesus gave the Great Commission the twelve were down to eleven and even some of them doubted.

Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:16-20

That’s not many people to entrust the Great Commission to, right? Or is this how God works? So maybe 6 believed? A few were willing to take Him at His Word and receive the authority He was giving them right there in the moment.

Few is not the same as small in the Kingdom of God.

To this day, we look back on this commissioning service of sorts and receive the authority that is ours. We take His command seriously. It’s how we send off missionaries and short term teams and equip and empower our churches to invite, reach out, go tell and so forth. But are we willing to start with small?

Can we receive Christ’s authority and be the only one sitting in our church on Sunday and believe that the Holy Spirit can awaken dry bones in our midst?

Can we take time to disciple and pour into one person who is hungry and thirsty to know God more?

Can we see the significance of our lives when we raise a family to love God and pray over our kids and seek to show kindness to our neighbors?

Can we sit in our sanctuaries differently this Sunday, with hands open, palms up, ready to receive the Spirit who promises to be given to us in abundance? (Acts 2:17)

It is Pentecost this Sunday wherever you are at. Underground church or church plant or online church or 100 year old church or church with a lanai or a church with a steeple.

I suggest we all start small. Start with you. I’ll start with me.

Come Holy Spirit. Breathe into me Your life and authority and power and presence. I want more of You. I open my hands, my heart and my mind to receive. I love You. I put my faith in You. Come Holy Spirit.

Now be still and wait on Him. Sit in His presence. I promise you’ll be blessed.

I’ll join you,
