Shauna Pilgreen

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chapter 25 {a special reunion}

it's such a beautiful and miraculous thing when the kids that did life together for years in an indian orphanage

see each other again in their forever families.

for these kids were bunkmates and classmates.

their stories of abandonment are a common thread.

difficult pasts, yet some cheerful memories they hold internally, yet collectively.

for the past few months, these kids have written each other in their new language and shared silly faces over FaceTime.

so seeing each other has been somewhat common, but face to face since orphanage days?

months in the making, we revealed to kavita just an hour before the big moment.

she was so surprised!

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Sneha, Kavita, Asher, Smita, Ajay.

{Smita and Ajay are siblings and have been home 2 years. Sneha came home this fall.}


these four are chatting with two sisters who came home to their forever families in july. we are grateful to be connected with them as well. these two sisters were a part of the A7 {the 7 kids we were fighting for in court}. they live in the midwest.


if playing at chick-fil-a wasn't enough, we treated the girls to american girl!


this is just the beginning.

for they thought they would never see each other again or have this tangible string to their past.

now they have both and it's good for their momma's hearts too.

for we are sharing stories and saying prayers for one another as we seek to raise these precious kids.