
i'm still learning
that with boys, there's always a fight.
to charge after.
to take up a lightsaber.
to escape into the imagination.
i'm still learning
that in our city, there's always a fight.
to climb the hill and see the big picture.
to confidently say, "this city is worth it."
to want the very best for the people of our city.
to stand against the 'weight' that holds us down
and keeps us from pursuing God wholeheartedly.
to stand against the 'evils' that distract and lure
us away from His purpose for our lives.
i'm still learning
that the fight is necessary.
it's daily, if not moment by moment.
it is intense.
it is getting back up.
it's not shrinking back.
the boys teach me in their fight.
they see beyond what they are facing.
they join forces to fight evil.
they grin victoriously.
lightsabers go back on the hip.
dirt embedded in their small nails.
grass stains on their knee caps.
the boys consider the fight always worth it.
i'm still learning.


