a brief pause.
a pause most needed.
to collectively, with our community of faith,
 look back at our
first year, and celebrate.
to reflect on God's goodness.
to be amazed at what we've seen, heard, and experienced.
to give God all the credit.
to thank those who have been with us since the beginning.
to introduce others to Epic's story.
a pause to think that a year ago we had ten kids at Epic.
now we steadily run 33-35.
and this in a not-kid-friendly neighborhood.
He's changing that. He's using Epic.
a pause to think about the ten people baptized at epic
and the 40 who now profess to be Christ followers.
a pause to think about the future.
a staff child born in february. san francisco made.
how our staff families love each other deeply
and can't believe we get to do this daily.
a pause to name the 30 countries represented at Epic.
to name the 7 neighborhoods that hold small groups on a weekly basis.
a pause to dream ahead into 2013.
and we've got big dreams. dreams that only God can fulfill.


