Shauna Pilgreen

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Over the past several months, we have sensed God leading us to begin the adoption process. We were astonished that there are 143 million orphans throughout our world. As we researched and prayed, we began to feel God leading us towards international adoption to rescue an orphan and call her our daughter, our sister.
We are currently in the process of adopting a girl from India (between the ages of 0-7) through a wonderful agency called America World Adoption ( We can only imagine what all will be involved in this faith venture for our family. 
Much like starting a church in San Francisco, we know we cannot make this happen on our own. We are desperate for God to give us much favor throughout this entire process. We also know that God has consistently used many people to accomplish His purpose in our lives. We would love for you to be involved in this process with us.
To this point, we have personally invested $7,000 towards the adoption. The total cost will be in excess of $36,000.  (You can see the cost breakdown by going to Our adoption expenses include everything from document preparation and translation, agency fees, travel expenses, government fees, to medical and orphanage fees.
We would love for you to help make this adoption a reality. Would you financially help us bring our daughter home from India? Any gift you would consider giving may be made payable to:
Ben Pilgreen 
and mailed to:
524 Day St.
San Francisco, CA 94131
The logo above expresses the depths of our hearts. The words resound in our home and in our conversation as we pursue God’s heartbeat for the children of the world. 
As you make an eternal investment in the life of this little girl, our daughter, our sister, please stay updated with the process right here each week. It might be big steps that have happened in a week's timing, prayers for the process and our daughter, or no updates from the earthly perspective. Nonetheless, I commit to post weekly updates. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
-Ben, Shauna, Elijah, Sam, & Asher