Shauna Pilgreen

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Hero Boot Camp 4.0

it's like the senior year in high school or completing year four in college.

it's like the time you wait for the olympics to come around again.

we've done that many hero boot camps. and that says much about a family who has lived in 4 states and countless houses since parenting began 10 years ago.

hero boot camp was born out of the idea that everyone does camps here in the city. why not do our own?


but that wasn't a good enough reason. my time with the kids during the summer should have some intentionality. don't get me wrong here, we've lost count of how many lazy mornings became lazy afternoons. but for a few days, what did i want to give my kids?

hero boot camp exists to be the teaching tool that brings to reality the true meaning of a hero; to challenge the boys to become heroes themselves as we look at the Scriptures, look at today's heroes, and learn to live out a heroic life.

that sounds resume'. it sounds professional.

this sounds more like me -

hero boot camp - an intentional few days full of adventure, lessons, and organic creativity born out of a love for my kids and a love for the Gospel {Good News}.

anything we do with our kids should tap into their stages of life, their personalities, their adventure levels.

 take what your kids love to do.

discern what they need to learn.

pray for crazy creativity to think like them and ponder up amazing ideas that they will love.

and then ask God to bless and protect these days, as well as, your heart, mouth, and temptation to wanna do something else!

i've got the curriculum for this year on the printables tab up above. or you can click here.

you can also search "hero boot camp" in the search box on the website and get ideas for what we've done the past 3 years.

for three years ago, superman and batman took center stage. now san francisco giants and austin and ally do.