Shauna Pilgreen

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how to pack much into 3 goals for 2016

i'm a word girl. it's how i think. i use words. my biggest cheerleader would say i use lots of them to say a few things! i'm okay with that.

so it was very typical of me to start off on a fresh journal page with lots of words. in a list. running straight down the page. you too?

then i tried to categorize them.

books to read.

people to learn from and invest in.

writing dreams.

health goals.

new things to try.

spiritual disciplines.

i gave myself a disgusted look. {that's me with a wrinkled up nose.} i've been to this very place a bunch of times. i got up from the bed and stretched. then i looked back at my list and a gush of wise words i had read recently came upon me.

life is way too precious to spend it pretending like we're super cool and totally in control when we could be laughing, singing, and dancing. - brene brown

i drew a big bubble cloud shaped thingy in the bottom right corner of the journal page.

i wrote 3 goals. and i'm going to pack much into these 3 goals this year.

and if i get these 3 right, i really believe i'll be the most alive and live the most fulfilled year thus far. maybe me sharing my 3 simple packed goals will help you as well.

1. write daily.


this is the very thing that makes me happy. i see it as a gift from God.

but i have also sat it on the shelf. i have let it collect dust. i have ignored it. i have tried to throw it away. i have cursed it. i have told myself that it has been rejected before and will be rejected again. that alone has kept it on the shelf. yet it's the gift that makes me so happy. when i write, i feel as if i'm using something God gave me to use. it's His purpose flowing through me. this means the opposite is just as true. when it stays tucked away, the days are bleak. i'm not contributing.

so i'm up early to write. if it doesn't happen at 5 am, i'll try noon and if that doesn't happen, then 8 pm it is. i've got a dream project before me and am returning more frequently to you, my favorite people on the planet.

so what are we to do with the very gifts from God?

use them as often as we can.

the only unique contribution that we will ever make in this world will be born of our creativity. {brene brown}

so i'm writing. and that makes me happy.

what's that gift you need to use this year? 
that gift that not just anyone can do, but is uniquely you?

2. dance more.


i don't dance. i need to though.

i used to get on the floor with the kiddos and play trains and build legos and give piggy back rides.

now that the kids have grown up some, i've grown old.

i say i'm tired or don't have time. that's just ridiculous.

i've got a daughter that needs to learn to ride a bike. i'm going to teach her.

i've got 3 boys that are little leaguers. i'm going to be their biggest cheer section.

ben and i are going to take up some sort of lessons in the fall when all kids are in school. {you know i'll be posting more on that later!}

the hardest, tiredest part of my day is 5-7 pm. can i get a witness?

i need a dance playlist to come and replace my nazi routine.

i'm going to push play on this playlist when i start up dinner prep.

for the good of us all!

when you dance, what's your go-to song? 
i need help in this area!
what needs to happen for you to relax 
and lighten up and enjoy this year?

3. raise a family.


i'm not an idiot. i know this is my role.

but you and i both know it's not easy and doesn't come natural and is the toughest thing ever.

to raise a family.

to seriously commit over and over again to the great challenge to model and disciple your children to love well, work hard, give grace, laugh much, follow Jesus, take risks, and grasp how unique and special they are.

i thought infancy was hard. then i thought toddlerhood was going to do me in. then i enrolled them into school and i'm as wide-eyed as ever! i'm returning to this place called home. i'm not writing of the physical location, though that's where it takes shape. i'm writing of the heart of the family. the place where i have influence and a voice. the place where i can breathe life or curses. the place where i can cheer and strengthen and come alongside. the place where i can hug and dance and lead.

just think about the multiplication here.

invest in one who will invest in another.

i want to do this well. i have the best partner in this with me.

and the 4 offspring are something special.

i want to make this year count for them individually and as a family.

i'm making this family raising my goal. i've downplayed the importance of this far too long.

what will you offer to those closest to you this year?
how will their lives be better because you are in it?
and don't forget about telling me your favorite go-to dance song!