Connect the dots


Years ago I approached a young woman greeting at a conference and she immediately pointed out my red shoes. She said, “I’m staying entertained out here by praying for anyone wearing red!” This was a fun way for her to connect with God. Seemed a bit odd to me. I hadn’t thought about God having that style of fun, but whatever. 

I lingered for a minute and learned her name and let her pray for me in my red shoes. In a sea of thousands of people, I kept running into her for the next few days. She probably was thinking nothing of me, and while I saw her as a normal human being, she stood out every single time. Because she was praying for people in red? That’s what started my thoughts. I think it was because she had a unique way of connecting with God. I think because we learned one another’s names. I think because she invited me into God’s presence in the moment. 

That was 5 years ago and I can take you back to that moment with me as if it happened 5 minutes ago. Not all my memories are this crisp and clear. Pippa Baker, you helped me see that God loves to connect the dots. He loves to connect His people. When I do this now, Pippa and red shoes pop vividly in my mind. I can’t unsee it! God is more fun to me. God is into the details. God loves it when we make connections with others. I want to be about helping others connect with Him - red shoes or something else. It’s made a difference in me and I look for more of Him because of it. 

Want to practice this? Choose something like motorcycles or a shopping bag or for sale signs or backwards baseball caps. When you see them today, you pray for them. Maybe you’ll even get to pray with them and learn their names!

Connecting the dots,


P.S. Here is another connecting the dots story: An artist and a saint


Eggs or waffles?


Do you believe in healing?